Recent cases

It is always difficult to get a concrete picture of the kind of things a lawyer deals with when looking on ‘from the sideline’. Below are a number of cases in which NELEOS is currently involved or was recently involved.

Joining a start-up as a shareholder

Advising a shareholder, who is going to invest in a biotech start-up, about the civil law and tax issues in relation to the investment- and shareholders-agreement.


Presenting an appeal on behalf of a company in the hospitality sector in proceedings about misuse of breach of contract.

Shareholders dispute

Advising the majority shareholder in a company in the financial sector about the strategy to be used with respect to the desired exit of a minority shareholder.

Capital transfer

Advising a family, some of whose members live abroad, about transferring assets to the next generation.

Directors’ and officers’ liability (1)

Submitting a defence in a discussion with the bankruptcy trustees of a real estate operating company about the liability of a former director, as well as the use of the actio pauliana.

Corporate takeover

Advising the shareholders of a company in the installation sector about the sale of their shares to a venture capital company and conducting the associated negotiations.